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SCA The Coffee Freshness Handbook

SCA The Coffee Freshness Handbook

Pattern or Type: Standard

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Specifications & Details

Size: 216 X 280mm
Page Count: 77 Pages plus Cover
Files/Proofs: Print ready PDFs furnished to printer specs.
Stock Text: 60 lb. Rolland Opaque White Offset*
Cover: 100 lb. White Gloss Cover
• Additional time may be needed for delivery of the above paper stocks
Ink Text: 4-Color process printed throughout (bleed)
Cover: 4-Color process printed two sides plus flood gloss UV one side (bleed)
Bindery: Saddles itch

Product Overview

The aim of this handbook is to provide a practical resource for the specialty coffee community while contributing to the body of scientific evidence on coffee freshness of roasted coffee.

In the first part of this handbook, we explore relevant studies in the field of coffee science and recent research conducted by the Coffee Excellence Center at Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Their pioneering research sheds further light on identifying physical changes that can be used to quantify freshness. We then move to a complementary set of experimental studies on sensory perception of freshness and subsequent staling in roasted coffee over time. In this illuminating member-driven experiment conducted by the Roasters Guild, we learn about the sensory impacts of packaging and aging coffee.

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