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SKU: REFERENCE:  SCA-Cupping Sensory

SCA Coffee Sensory & Cupping Handbook

SCA Coffee Sensory & Cupping Handbook

Regular price ₹ 1,416.00 (Inc. of all taxes)
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Specifications & Details

Size: 190mm x 240mm / 128pp + 4pp Cover
Count: 128pp + 4pp cover,
Litho Print: Cover on 350gsm
Pre-press: Artwork supplied
Proof: PDF’s
Printing: 4 color process throughout
Materials: Cover: 350gsm
Uncoated Offset: Text 100gsm
Uncoated: Offset
Finishing: Trim, Collate and PUR Bound.

Product Overview

We are incredibly excited to announce the publication of the new Coffee Sensory and Cupping Handbook by Dr. Mario R. Fernandez-Alduenda, Technical Officer at the Specialty Coffee Association, and Peter Giuliano, Executive Director of the Coffee Science Foundation and Chief Research Officer of the Specialty Coffee Association.

The handbook brings together 30 years of scientific advancements in the field of sensory science—which seeks to understand human perceptions of smell, taste, and mouthfeel and combines these with cupping practices developed by the SCA and new advances in flavor language exemplified by the recent revision of the Coffee Tasters’ Flavor Wheel. It is the most complete and well-researched work on this topic to date, and is intended to provide an approachable and practical guide to the complexity of coffee and sensory science, to any and every coffee professional.

“It is no exaggeration to say the specialty coffee industry is founded on the concept of flavor. And since flavor is perceived by the senses of smell and taste, the concept of sensory evaluation, communication, and understanding is critical to the skill set of any coffee professional and is essential to any coffee business.”

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