Key features:
– Micrometric Parallel System adjustment
– Direct access to the grinding chamber
– Coffee outlet enlightened with leds
– Motor with fan
– Adjustable fork in height and depth
– Front-mounted refill button
Electronic features:
– 2.8” High Tech touchscreen
– Multilanguage display
– Portafilter detector
– Menu access protection with password
– Dose counter, both absolute and relative
– Wear and changing burrs alarm
– Screensaver
– Wireless firmware update
Motor 630 W to 1.310 rpm
Powerful motor that allows you to work continuously in situations of high demand, maintaining all the properties of the coffee.
2.8” High Tech touchscreen
Multilingual, with burr change alarm, screensaver, and total and partial dose counters. Access protection with a password.
Direct access to the grinding chamber
Cleaning or changing burrs without losing the adjustment. Micrometric Parallel System regulation.
2 front LEDs
Illuminate the portafilter and flash once the dose has been dispensed
Adjustable portafilter support
Height and depth.
Perfect fit for the most common portafilter sizes, which also allows for hands-free usage.